What to Consider When Buying a Summer Home

Have you ever considered investing your hard-earned money into a home away from home? Summer homes are great getaways and also can provide you with extra income during peak season through using it as a rental home.  When buying a summer home there are 3 key points you’ll need to know before you purchase.

Rental Opportunities

When you buy your summer home, look at it as an investment.  Making smart choices when you buy your home abroad will pay off. Look at the rental potential, as it’s a good way to make money. By renting out your property you may be able to pay off your mortgage much quicker and treat yourself to various other expenses. Look at other holiday homes which are near by and analyse how much they are going for from a rental point of view. Be sure to talk to local agents and study crime rates in the chosen area. Look at how often people rent in the area as this is a good guideline for when you choose your home. Remember – location is everything.

Location Location Location

Spot Blue, international property experts state, “When it comes to buying your summer home, it is imperative that you choose the best location possible. The location will always be an important factor in the property market – it’s all great choosing a secluded location however if it is too far away from local amenities you will struggle to find a tenant for the summer.”

Not only will it be difficult to rent, but it may also make your own holiday difficult due to your property being so far away from the center or local attractions. As mentioned earlier, make sure you also look into local crime rates in the area you choose to buy in – this is very important, as it will affect your properties popularity immensely. Also, the last thing you want is your possessions being stolen when you are away for long periods of time. During off peak seasons, you may be prone to break ins or damage to your property. Families will want to rent properties in good locations, such as Fuerteventura in Spain for example. You will also want your family to stay in a good location too.

Doing Up Your Summer Home

There is no better feeling than personalising your summer home to make it your own. Making some home improvements will greatly improve your experience as well as make your property more desirable when it comes to putting it on the market in the summer. The room to focus a lot of your attention towards is the kitchen. Doing up the kitchen is important, as it is often a main focus of the home and the most time is spent here. Adding a splashback to your kitchen can change the whole vibe that it brings, while effortlessly adding personality. To make this a hassle free and cost-effective experience, consider using perspex sheets. Perspex is a better option than glass because it is cheaper, safer, and easy to fit. This is due to the fact that perspex is not as fragile as its glass counterpart; it is in fact 17 times stronger than glass meaning it will last longer.

Focusing on the appearance of rooms will increase your summer homes rental possibilities and therefore you will be able to make some income from your investment.

With these 3 golden rules taken into consideration, purchasing your very own summer home will be an investment that you will never regret. It’s time to reach a whole new level of relaxation and spend some time in your favourite country… time and time again!

About Julie Chalmers 126 Articles
Easy travel is a professional travel guide site that provides both seasoned travelers and first timers with valuable, practical, accurate and detailed information on traveling to several destinations in the world.